Mid Ohio Bikers

The Mid Ohio Bike Club (MOB) is a comprised of riders of all ages and riding levels. Most of us are touring riders but we also have members who enjoy bike trail riding and mountain biking.
We have a weekly ride schedule, many impromptu rides, activities and monthly meetings every 3rd Tuesday. Many of us participate in large organized rides like TOSRV, Horsey Hundred (Kentucky), and GOBA, along with supporting rides sponsored by other area clubs. We also take a trip in the summer to a recreation area that has some nice biking.
In August of 2023 ten club members rode the Niagara Circle Route starting at Fort Erie, Ontario. The route went along the Niagara River passing by Niagara Falls and then to Niagara-on-the-Lake. After we rode about 15 miles across Northern Ontario, we went south along the Welland canal. When we got to Lake Erie at Port Colborne we headed east back to Fort Erie. We took 2 days to ride the 85 mile route. The next time we may take three days so we can make the trip a little more leisurely. Some spouses drove SAG cars to provide any assistance needed during the ride. It was a great trip and we are looking forward to doing it again!
We are also more than a bike club. We have had several kayak day trips to Lake Erie. This is usually followed by a nice lunch somewhere that hopefully includes Perch or Walleye. In September of 2023 we made a multi-day sight seeing trip to Gettisburg. September of 2022 we made a trip to Washington DC.
We support our community. Our club members volunteer to help maintain the B&O Bike Trail and we have installed benches and fix-it stations. We as a club also adopt a family or two at Christmas time. In the winter many of us ski at Snow Trails and for quite a few years we have had yearly ski trips to New York. We always find reasons to gather!
Sad to Say - 2023 FNL is on hiatus.
We had a very successful 2022 FNL bike tour. The feedback from riders was overwhelmingly positive and appreciated by the members of Mid Ohio Bikers. This year we have made the difficult decision to suspend the running of the Fall-N-Leaf bike tour. A lack of volunteers has made the event more difficult to operate at the level of quality we have provided in the past.
If this situation changes then maybe the event will be offered again in the future. If you would like to be involved with making this event available in the future, please consider joining the club. The FNL is not the only purpose of the club. We also promote biking in the area and support the B&O Bike Trail
The 2022 event was well attended. We had several route options, good weather and everyone seemed to have a good time. The discussion about the beer tent is always fun. Everything about the event will be missed by many so maybe it can be resumed in the future.
For the past several years when riders finished they were greeted with a smiling face offering them a beer from our local brewery, The Phoenix Brewing Company. We plan to continue this tradition in the future if the event is offered again.
Stay healthy and we hope you can join us for future rides!
Club Ride Schedule
For more information on any of the club events or other local events, click on the Ride Schedule above or the Calendar tab at the top of the Ride Schedule page.
Weather Permitting, we meet on Tuesday for a social ride at varying locations. Usually lead by our current president, contact her at midohiobikers.president@gmail.com for time and place to meet. we frequently meet on Saturday at 10 AM at the Bike Parking Lot next to Lexington City Park or attend a organized ride in the area. This year the club has organized a September trip to Gettysburg for experiencing history and riding. Some of our members get together for some kayak trips. Feel free to send an email to mobrides@midohiobikers.org if you are interested in joining us. Click on Club Schedule at the top of the page for more information.